Is it You or Your Body? How to Know Something's Off

Did you know that the clarity of our physical health can profoundly shape our perceptions – the way we see and experience our world? It's like wearing switched contact lenses in our eyes – things are not quite clear, and in reality, they’re slightly skewed. Today, I want to dive into how to discern when something is "off" with you, beyond just the mental plane.

In a recent video, I shared my personal journey over the past year. Despite being a dedicated coach and champion of mindset transformation, I had to confront an undeniable truth: sometimes, it's not just in our minds. When the body struggles, positive affirmations alone can’t completely heal the spirit and restore your essence.

Many of you reached out with the question, " How do I know something’s off? How do I recognize the subtle signs?"

So I answered. 😊

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Watch This Video to Discover:

  • How I realized I had been seeing life through the wrong lens because my physical state was clouding my perception;

  • How I was finally able to reconnect with my authentic self; and

  • Techniques you can use to do the same.

The Key Takeaway

How do you truly know if something feels amiss? Take a moment in silence and ask: "Does this feel like the essential me? Or is something different?" For some, there might not be a previous 'healthy' to compare to, and while the health ‘baseline’ may differ, the question remains: "Does this feel like me?"

I was lost, not recognizing the person who felt overwhelmed by daily tasks or the passion that once defined me. My message today is simple:

Pause. Listen. Trust yourself.

Your intuition knows best.

If my words resonate and you feel like you're struggling to connect with who you truly are amidst the chaos, I’m here to help. Reach out.

And if you know someone who could benefit from this message, share the video with them.

There are very few things we must do alone in this life and asking for help is a game-changer. It has been for me.

To a clearer lens and a brighter tomorrow.


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