7 Powerful Strategies to Conquer Self-Sabotage and Unlock Your Full Potential

women looking through metal bars

Do you ever feel like your own worst enemy? If you’re constantly getting in your own way, procrastinating, getting lost in negative self-talk, putting yourself last, you’re not alone. Self-sabotage is a common struggle (here are its three most common signs), but the good news is that, with the right mindset and action steps, you can overcome it. In this post, we’ll explore seven powerful strategies to help you conquer self-sabotage and unlock your full potential.

After years of feeling trapped and unfulfilled, my client Emily (I wrote about her in my last blog post) decided she’d had enough. She reached out to me to help her get unstuck. We started by identifying her self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors. We then explored the reasons behind her guilt of prioritizing herself and her ambitions. She acknowledged the impact that guilt and other limiting beliefs and patterns were having on her life and relationships.

Emily decided to start doing things differently, one step at a time. She began setting aside dedicated time for herself – for self-care and also for figuring out her future. This newfound commitment to herself gradually helped her disconnect from her guilt feelings and feel empowered her to pursue her own growth and fulfillment. She enlisted her husband’s help by sitting down with him and having an honest conversation about her dreams and struggles. He was supportive and they committed to working together to find ways to balance their family life with Emily’s aspirations.

She started exploring opportunities to re-enter the world of finance. She networked, attended workshops, and updated her knowledge and skills, eventually landing a job she felt excited about. Over time, Emily’s confidence soared, and she started taking on more challenging projects, knowing that she could achieve her goals without sacrificing her family’s well-being. By overcoming her self-sabotaging behaviors and learning to prioritize herself, Emily became a more fulfilled person, a more present and nurturing mother, and a more supportive partner.

Her story illustrates some of the key strategies for combatting and conquering self-sabotage:

  1. Embrace self-reflection and self-awareness

    To conquer self-sabotage, you need to be aware of your specific patterns. Spend time reflecting on your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and identify any recurring themes that seem to hold you back. Journaling can be a great way to gain insight into the behaviors that undermine and hold you back, allowing you to address them more effectively.

  2. Connect to your purpose or ‘why’

    Understanding your purpose, or the reason behind your goals, can provide you with the motivation and guidance needed to push through self-sabotaging behaviors. It also helps cope with feelings of guilt or selfishness when choosing to prioritize yourself. Take time to explore what truly matters to you and why you’re pursuing your aspirations. Connecting with your ‘why’ will help you stay committed and keep you on track, especially in challenging situations.

  3. Take action and manage your time effectively

    Procrastination and poor time management are common forms of self-sabotage. One favorite strategy for addressing these is Mel Robbins’ 5-Second Rule: whenever you feel the urge to procrastinate or avoid a task, count down from five and then take action immediately. It sounds simple, but this technique is powerful in helping you bypass overthinking and indecision, as well as cope with anxiety and fear. If time management is what keeps you stuck, there are many effective strategies and methods out there; I have my favorites, which I’d be happy to share with you. Just reach out.

  4. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations

    Negative self-talk erodes your self-esteem and fuels self-sabotage. It’s also quite persistent and hard to get rid of. What helps is not to try to eliminate critical or limiting thoughts and beliefs but to replace them with empowering ones. Develop a list of empowering statements that resonate with you and repeat them daily (my coach recommends twice a day!) to reinforce a more positive mindset. For example, if your inner critic keeps reminding you: “I’m not a good public speaker,” how about replacing that with “I’m learning and practicing so that I can be an inspiring, captivating speaker.”

  5. Reframe failure as a learning opportunity

    Many people self-sabotage out of fear of failure. The game-changer here is redefining failure: instead of viewing it as a sign of defectiveness, reframe it as a valuable learning experience. Setbacks then become opportunities to grow, improve, and become more resilient. This mindset shift takes consistent practice, of course, but with time it can help you be bolder as you take steps toward your goals, because even if you fail, what you learn will make you better next time.

  6. Set and maintain boundaries

    Learning to say ‘no’ is part of overcoming self-sabotaging patterns. Establish limits on your time, energy, and resources to protect yourself from burnout and ensure you stay focused on your priorities. Communicate your boundaries clearly and assertively with others and be prepared to enforce them when necessary.

  7. Practice self-compassion

    As you implement some (or all) of these strategies, remember to be kind to yourself. Overcoming self-sabotage is a process that requires patience and persistence. Setbacks will occur and when they do, self-compassion is a much more powerful motivator than self-criticism.

    Don’t let self-sabotage hold you back any longer. Your dreams are waiting 😊.

And if you’d like some help in recognizing and slaying the self-sabotaging patterns that hold you back from pursuing what truly matters to you, then let’s talk! We can work together to create a plan for you to break free and start living a life that fulfills your true potential and honors your aspirations.


Thank you for being here! If you want to understand where you feel trapped in your life and how you can break free, take my free Break Free Quiz !

And if you are new to the Breaking Free blog, read my introduction here for more information about what it’s about and what topics I tackle in my posts.


Own Your Mental Health Journey: Stop Comparing and Start Healing


Are You Your Own Worst Enemy? The Most Common Signs of Self-Sabotage